Increasing availability and capability of monitoring devices make collecting high density data in water distribution networks a reality. Pressure at the customer boundary box can be used to provide i...
View AttachmentA talk detailing the past, present and future of green innovation within the water network. The case study of Yorkshire Water is used to consider the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.
View AttachmentA discussion of the advantages and drawbacks of using RWH as a drought and flood control tool. A roadmap for further adoption and evaluation of this technology is put forward.
View AttachmentThis talk looks at the active control of wastewater treatment works operations and discharges in response to forecasted fluctuations in the assimilative capacity of its receiving water.
View AttachmentThe aim of this research is to understand the nature and drivers of extreme sub-daily rainfall. This knowledge will be used to improve and validate climate models, and to create new products.
View AttachmentThe Smarter Home Visit is the single largest water efficiency initiative in the UK water sector. It involves in-home retrofit of water saving devices and an in-home personalised water audit...
View AttachmentThis project has been monitoring blanket bog restoration at sites across NW England under the Sustainable Catchment Management Programme (SCaMP). The presentation aims to provide an overview of k...
View AttachmentIn mid- 2012 stakeholders from Bristol Water and the University of the West of England realised that the “UWE Student Village”, opened in 2006 and housing almost 2000 (1,932) students in f...
View AttachmentAn overview of research into a new technique to measure surface waves using a Kinect sensor for applications in sewer and river monitoring.
View AttachmentThis talk looks at some of the methods for social engagement which have been effective in addressing the problems of drought conditions affecting cities and towns in South Africa.
View AttachmentUpstream thinking is a flagship environmental project for South West Water running between 2010 and 2020. Its two main strands focus on moorland restoration and agricultural improvements to impact nat...
View AttachmentFuzzy systems are based on linguistic, imprecise approaches to describing complex systems. This talk describes the implementation of a fuzzy logic control system to alleviate flood risk in urban area...
View AttachmentWhy hasn’t collaboration for water innovation sprung up before? Researchers have been focused on organisational innovation not inter-organisational; practitioners have lacked funding, lead...
View AttachmentAn overview of the future uses that Big data will have in transforming software simulation of water infrastructure.
View AttachmentCatchment management to reduce raw ‘water colour’ caused by natural organic matter (NOM) released from decaying plant material and soil has been evaluated in many upland areas of the UK. Water col...
View AttachmentThis project focuses on Ultrafiltration (UF) and Nanofiltration (NF) membranes for drinking water from non-saline surface waters. Some findings are presented, showing that control of microbial ac...
View AttachmentSouth east water is attempting to reduce per capita consumption by engaging consumers to better understand their usage and motivate them to save water, energy and money, making them happy to do so.
View AttachmentThe removal of colour from raw water has a large impact on public perception. This talk from Yorkshire Water examines the history and current state of the art of colour removal technologies, as well a...
View AttachmentAddressing the problems and potential solutions to the presence of Natural Organic Matter in drinking water from the perspective of Scottish Water. Water Treatment Works are designed to treat wate...
View AttachmentThis talk discusses the potential for growth in the area of vegetated SuDS by harnessing the interests of multiple stakeholders with the possibility for mutual benefits.
View AttachmentThis presentation is about thinking about moving away from thinking about water efficiency as something that can be “done to” households; whereby household behaviour is changed over...
View AttachmentThis talk presents the argument for catchment management in the control of water colour, in the context of the history of water colour regulation, and case studies in the UK.
View AttachmentThis talk gives an overview of the INTERDEW Project, the aim of which is to define a research agenda to better understand and explore how change in demand for water (and energy) can be projected on a...
View AttachmentCommunity modelling is a participatory method enabling local people to use scientific tools to engage with the management of hydroclimatic risks. Research has shown that local people are interest...
View AttachmentThere remains a need for a low-footprint, affordable, treatment system capable of selective metal removal and recovery. This project aims to develop a laboratory-scale system using simulated and real...
View AttachmentBig Data gives the ability to extract more value from data analysis at higher volumes, velocities, varieties, or veracities. Higher velocity in the transfer of the analytics allows for better r...
View AttachmentBefore we can contemplate what 2065 will bring, we first need to understand what we are currently capable of achieving and what we can do better We can currently achieve a lot from data even for a si...
View AttachmentHow to encourage change by users of water services by harnessing techniques developed in the realm of behavioral science. Interactive data and social pressure are used to incentivise consumer...
View AttachmentWater management is a complex business with implications for a wide realm of activity; Funding and motivation for water related investments tends to come with one dominant function, with overlapping...
View AttachmentConsidering a roadmap for the water industry to address the long term problems affecting water systems. The research outlined aims to understand the long term drivers of change, their impacts, int...
View AttachmentThe pace of change in the water industry is increasing. Collaboration across the supply chain is necessary to provide consumers with greater digital interaction, and facilitate change through technolo...
View AttachmentA look at some of the issues with SuDS usage, based on responses from stakeholders. This talk also proposes a way to encourage greater use of SuDS in new developments, and considers their future role...
View AttachmentMany watermains are now reaching the end of their useable lives; these aging, deteriorated pipes are often congested with deposits, leaking and failing. A new system is presented that cleans pipes usi...
View AttachmentThis talk looks at some discourses on customers in the water industry and contrasts the expectations of the customer role compared to that of citizens. The key argument is that an over-emphasis...
View AttachmentPlanning scenarios for the future of the water industry need to take into account the possible direction of parallel industries, financial incentives at work, and the political climate. Action plans t...
View AttachmentTWENTY65 is paving the way for a future that is inspired and enabled by research; that collaboratively and coherently accelerates innovation and generates a dynamic and energised water sector that del...
View AttachmentAn exploration of the possible futures of the water industry in 50 years time. What potential drivers affect it and what can we do about it?
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